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Showing posts with the label web conferencing solution

WebRTC Development to Build Empowered Business Communication Solutions

VoIP technologies have been catering to businesses with amazing range of solutions and products. The VoIP development based solutions can be used to achieve simple to complex business communication needs. The best VoIP development companies use the power of VoIP development technologies and their expertise to build consolidated and useful business solutions. One of the newest members in the family of VoIP development technologies is the WebRTC. Even if it was added at the last, it has gained a lot of popularity because of an amazing range of features offered by this system. The WebRTC stands for Web Real Time Communication and it can be used to build different types of business communication solutions to meet the collaboration and communication needs of the companies. It supports different communication channels to build an enriched system. However, to make the correct use of the powerful characteristics of this VoIP development technology , in-depth knowledge and experience ar

Understand Key Difference between Web and Video Conferencing

Generally, people use terms web conferencing and video conferencing interchangeably as they don’t understand the difference between these two. This article will brief you about the key difference between video conferencing software and web conferencing software . So in case, you are thinking to get the one for your organization, you may make sure to get the one which fits best for your business conferencing needs. Web Conferencing Software comes with a mechanism which supports real time conference with basic content sharing. The web conferencing software can be accessed using a web browser and it usually supports one or two speakers at max. The other participants used to listen to the predetermined speakers. The web conferencing software generally has mechanism to run the presentation mode to give a presentation online to the participants. The feedback can be collected via the mechanism of Instant Messaging only. In the general case, the web conferencing software doesn’t all

Audio Conferencing Solution and Its Benefits

Technology is paving its way in all different organizations. The technology based innovations help in increasing efficiency and productivity and reducing delays and expenses. One of the beneficial technology based innovations is the conferencing solution. The conferencing solution can be of different types, namely,           Audio conferencing solution        Video conferencing solution      Web conferencing solution Furthermore, the conferencing software are available in two different types as listed below: 1.    Single Tenant Conferencing Solution and 2.  Multi Tenant Conferencing Solution In this article, you will learn about one of the types of the conferencing solution, namely, Audio Conferencing Solution. What is audio conferencing solution? It is a software based conferencing system, which allows two or more parties have an audio conference. The audio conferencing solution can have a wide array of features to enrich the communication. The audio con