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Showing posts with the label MEAN Stack Developer

Introduction to MEAN Stack: What is MEAN Stack and Other Questions

Technologies are constantly evolving. Earlier restricted to desktops, modern-day applications can be run directly from the cloud, and people are no longer restricted to using a single device for daily activities. Hence businesses are also investing in developing their own web-based applications for multiple devices. To create functional and practical web applications, different software development companies opt for technology stacks based on different Javascript flavors. One of the most popular and preferred technology stacks is the MEAN stack, and this article will serve as an introduction to the MEAN Stack. What is a MEAN Stack? The MEAN stack is a JavaScript-based framework for developing web applications. The term MEAN is an acronym for the different components in the stack, namely:  M ongoDB,  E xpress,  A ngular, and  N ode. MongoDB  – Database Management Express js  – Web framework for Node.js Angular js  – Client-side JavaScript framework Node js  – Server-side JavaScript web

What is MEAN Stack and why to choose for your next project?

  Technology has evolved a lot over the years, it is safe to say that we are moving very well into a digital era. So, in this era of digitalisation, when you need to build an application, that too from scratch, you require a software stack that is both consistent and standardized. This is where MEAN Stack plays its role. What is MEAN? MEAN is a JavaScript software stack that developers use to build an application and dynamic websites. It is free and open source; it is a collection of user-friendly JavaScript frameworks. MEAN is an abbreviation and here is what every letter means: M- MongoDB  – NoSQL Database management system that is used by the MEAN Stack framework. E- Express.JS  – Powerful framework that hosts as well as assists Node.js projects. A- Angular.JS  – Open-Source framework which takes care of frontend development, in order to develop interactive web pages. N- Node.JS  – Acts as a backbone and Ensures excellent backend services and boosts the app performance by 50%. Why i