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Showing posts with the label Healthcare Industry

Custom CRM Software Flourish Healthcare Industry

Three years ago,  CRM in the healthcare sector  obtained $8,9 million and is assumed to increase at a CAGR of 13.4% till 2025. The projected revenue by 2025 will be equal to $21,462.6 million. Two years ago the global healthcare CRM market was valued at about 7.3 billion USD and by 2026 it is expected to quadruple, reaching 28.89 billion according to research Stratistics Market Research Consulting. Paramedics often conclude that customer/patient satisfaction means successful treatment. They could not be more wrong. Satisfaction of your patients is not only about successful treatment, it also includes the way you handle their data, interact with them, and of course, give them deserved services. Envision, you have gone to a grade A hospital for a simple blood test. All goes well, you get the best paramedic facility, great chair to sit on, and wonderful treatment from the staff. You are happy with their in-person service, but when it is time to get the reports, you are informed that yo