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Showing posts with the label eCommerce contact centers

Contact Center Benefits for eCommerce - Vindaloo Softtech

  eCommerce is becoming the most profitable industry. Online retail sales amount to 4.9 Trillion U.S dollars worldwide and experts forecast it to grow over 50% within the next four years. ( Source :   Statista ) This kind of surge in the eCommerce market is a boon and bane as well for business owners. The increase in the online visitors to the store translates to increased revenues but also means increased queries and demand for a better customer care experience. A minor slip-up or a bad experience can push the customer towards the competition. Such modern problems require modern solutions such as chatbots and automated emails. However, for certain customers, having an actual person on the other side of the line is more comforting than the pre-programmed response from a robot. For such scenarios, a contact center solution is indispensable. Let’s understand the key features a modern contact center solution brings to the eCommerce industry. Key features of a modern contact center solutio