In the preliminary stages of the internet, the goal was to have a functional website that serves its purpose. As long as you remember the website or domain name, you are welcomed by a giant wall in white with blue hyperlinks peppered across the webpage. The webpage seen below is what Disney’s website looked like in the 90s: Earlier websites were built using HTML and were lightweight enough to work on a 56kbps dial-up network connection. However, as time and age progressed, technological advancements allowed internet speeds to spike, and websites could also be accessed from handheld devices. This led the website owners to create visually attractive websites that managed to attract visitors’ attention. When you only focus on improving the visual appeal of your website, you are focusing on the user interface (UI). You may end up sidelining a visitor’s experience when visiting your website, potentially affecting your app or website performance by up to 200%. ( Source : Forreste...
Vindaloo Softtech Pvt. Ltd. is a leading VoIP Software and Solutions provider company based in Ahmedabad, India. The roots of Vindaloo VoIP Solutions Pvt. Ltd. were seeded in 2016 with a core focus on VoIP Applications, VoIP Software, and VoIP Solutions development services. We catered to hundreds of clients worldwide with our client-centric approach and innovative solutions. We served all different sizes and scale businesses with our best in the industry VoIP solutions and services.