May 6, 2020, the leading VoIP and mobile app development company VSPL has launched an e-learning with video conference solution amid the corona outbreak. After witnessing the difficulties faced by educational institutions, the company has come up with the top-notch video conferencing with education that serves its sole purpose of existence to make learning advanced and interesting. Endowed with cutting-edge features and functionalities, the recently launched e-learning platform with video conference solution lets teachers interact with students through video conference to conduct study sessions. The company believes that the new app is set to improve the experience of both students and teachers. “We are delighted to reveal that our team has developed a solution to cater to both students and teachers by giving them a platform to interact through video conferences. We are sure that the newly launched app is going to make learning more ...
Vindaloo Softtech Pvt. Ltd. is a leading VoIP Software and Solutions provider company based in Ahmedabad, India. The roots of Vindaloo VoIP Solutions Pvt. Ltd. were seeded in 2016 with a core focus on VoIP Applications, VoIP Software, and VoIP Solutions development services. We catered to hundreds of clients worldwide with our client-centric approach and innovative solutions. We served all different sizes and scale businesses with our best in the industry VoIP solutions and services.