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Showing posts with the label PHP

Importance of PHP for Business Software Solutions

  Even after 28 years, PHP still holds 29.48% market share in 2022 and is one of Github’s most popular programming languages. PHP is still being used in 77.3% of the websites compared to other server-side programming languages. PHP is still the go-to scripting language for developing dynamic and interactive websites and, over the years, has evolved with regular updates. If you are wondering about the importance of PHP for business software solutions, here are some of the core benefits of why  PHP Web Development  is still preferred. Open-Source Environment PHP programming language is open-source and is distributed under the General Public License (GPL). So, it doesn’t require any download, nor do businesses need to pay any licensing fees. Being open-source, PHP has a vast and active community that contributes to a pool of resources and facilities. So, many skilled PHP developers are available in today’s market, and it has become very easy to  hire PHP development companies . In additio

Best Backend Technology For Web App Development

  Language is rudimentary for transferring thoughts and logic when it comes to people-people or people-computer interfaces. Every spoken or visual language has their vocabulary and grammar, while computer languages have syntax and libraries. Just like the grammar in the spoken language is used to define sentence formation, the syntax defines the logic of the running program. Also, frameworks in web app development are like grammar check tools, as they handle low-level functionalities, leaving you free to focus on the high-level functionality.  There are multiple frameworks available in the market, with each performing best under individual use cases, i.e., there is no one-size-fits-all framework. For example, React and Angular are frontend frameworks built using JavaScript language, while Laravel & Node.JS are backend frameworks built using PHP and Javascript respectively. Depending on the backend language you choose for your  web application development , you’ll be facing a unique