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Key Features to Look for in a Modern Class 4 Softswitch Solution


Telecommunication is one of the biggest inventions mankind has ever seen. Speaking to someone who is sitting miles away from us, was a beyond imagination thing at a time. There won’t be anyone thinking we will be doing business with a firm out of the countryside at that time. We all can thank the telecommunication industry for making these happen. Starting with circuit-based dialer pad telephones to wholesale class 4 Softswtich solutions the telecommunication industry has transformed.

The modern era values the easiness that Softswitch has brought to our lives. In this article, we will be discussing this interesting and effective communication technology with a deeper insight.

What is a Class 4 Softswitch solution?

Class 4 Softswitch is a centralized traffic director for long-distance calls. It is a software program that manages the flow of voice traffic between networks and their various carriers. You can consider class 4 Softswitch as a switchboard for international calls. It receives calls from various VoIP SoftSwitch and analyzes them to find an efficient route to direct them to it. The parameters it considers while routing include the cost and availability of a particular route.

Softswitch experts have always suggested to always go with a service provider who can provide the best results at an affordable cost. One such recommendation is CloveKonnect, which is an advanced VoIP billing solution and customer management solution designed to streamline intricate billing systems for businesses. We will be learning CloveKonnect in the coming segments, before that we will analyze on some of the key features of Class 4 Softswitch.

Key Features in a Modern Class 4 Softswitch Solution

Let’s discuss some of the key features in a class 4 Softswitch solution that make it unique as compared to other telecommunication methods.

  • Efficient call routing: This is the backbone feature of all the VoIP softswitch providers. The key concept here is the routing of calls from one switch to another switch or carrier. The call routing strategies have evolved, and our Softswitch solutions come with Least cost routing (LCR) and flat rates.
  • Integrated Billing System:To tackle compatibility issues, having an integrated VoIP billing system is an added advantage over a separate one.
  • Massive volume handling:Class 4 Softswitches can handle the maximum number of volumes possible at a time. That is the reason why large-scale VoIP operations are preferred with Class 4 Softswitches.
  • Secured services:Added security features like encryption, access control, and firewalls to save against unauthorized access and attacks.
  • Load Balancer:Dealing with huge traffic could result in crashing the networks. This scenario can be avoided with the load balancer. Load balancing functionality provides even distribution of traffic into multiple servers so that a single server doesn’t have to bear the maximum load.
  • Portable number:The network portability feature allows customers to keep their existing contact number even when switching between carriers.
  • Multiple tenants:Multiple tenants are supported under the same platform. It allows carriers to manage and bill numbers of customers in a single platform.

These are some of the key features to look for in a modern class 4 Softswitch solution. Studies and analyses have shown that service providers that can accumulate and serve these features under one umbrella are the best ones to go with. One of the best softswitch service providers is notably CloveKonnect.

CloveKonnect is highly secure and has a smooth User Interface(UI). On top of that, any business that joins CloveKonnect can access services remotely regardless of the business size or scale. Here is a list of services CloveKonnect provides:

  1. Centralized Dashboard
  2. Multiple carrier management
  3. Invoicing and Integrated Billing (Prepaid/Postpaid)
  4. Multiple codec and protocol support
  5. DID management
  6. SMS and SMS API support
  7. Additional minute Addon support
  8. Payment Gateway (PayPal/ Stripe)
  9. Reports (CDRs, MDRs, Audit log report, Payment report, Low Balance Notification, etc) Multiple User Permissions
  1. Completely Cloud-based Web App Solution Endpoint & SIP account-based routing.

Selecting the appropriate Class 4 Switch Solution is a big investment toward the bright future of your VoIP firm. You have to prioritize the advanced features discussed above, to reach the optimal call completion, competitive edge, and cost-effectiveness.

I hope this article was helpful enough to help you understand the key features of Modern Class 4 Softswitch and how it can shape the future of business.


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