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What is FreeSWITCH GUI and Best Open-Source GUI Solutions for FreeSWITCH?

To get the maximum benefits of FreeSWITCH, you need to be able to make the right selection of GUI solutions. Take a look at some of the open-source GUI solutions for FreeSWITCH, which witnessed their vast popularity and adoption rate.

Popularly narrated as FsGui, FreeSWITCH GUI redefined the communication and encouraged organizations to make their communication system more powerful and expeditious. Being a highly extensible and flexible platform, it leverages various communication techniques for making communication smooth and fast, be it ESL, XML-RPC, or Erlang.

The availability of an ESL library in multiple languages like Python, Perl, .NET, Ruby, etc. is the actual reason why it is used in the FreeSWITCH solution.

The main advantage of leveraging the FsGui platform for communication can be described in terms of its features. Be it conference management, configuring files, outlook interrogations, or others, every feature of FreeSWITCH is crucial when it comes to calling control on desktop.

Apart from this, FreeSWITCH is also blessed with various graphical user interfaces. These play an incredible role in managing various operations, XML configuration, files, etc. in a proper way.


To make your FreeSWITCH more credible, you need to first develop a graphical user interface. With the help of the said platform, users can harness the advantages of its great features and also the stability of its software.

Whether you are seeking to develop a call center app, conferencing app, or IVR, leveraging FreeSWITCH to its fullest helps you in doing the same. You can also develop various applications that can facilitate a free flow communication between various apps and between apps and humans. It is helpful in automating various important business components that play an indispensable role in making the business process smooth and progressive.
FreeSWITCH brings the possibility of developing new applications without putting hard efforts. The credit goes to GUI not only for making development but also in integration and various others.

Requirements of FreeSWITCH GUI Installation

As far as the FreeSWITCH installation requirement is concerned, it tends to vary on service providers. Let’s discuss here certain common requirements for installation.


Since we are here talking about FreeSWITCH GUI installation requirements, it’s the best idea to talk about the FreeSWITCH installation. All you need to do is to perform the FreeSWITCH installation first. You will come across different FreeSWITCH packages to make the selection of the right option.

Database Installation

Installing a database is another important requirement that you can perform. When it comes to database backend installation, you can get options such as PostgreSQL, dev-DB/SQLite, and MySQL.

Web Server

Web server installation is another requirement that you need to fulfill the need of FreeSWITCH GUI installation. For web servers, you will get options like Nginx and Apache. You can make the right selection based on your specific business requirements.

Platforms that FreeSWITCH Supports

Well, FreeSWITCH is compatible with a wide range of platforms. So, those leveraging it can get the liberty to install it on multiple platforms. Take a look at some of these platforms.
• Window OS
• Linux OS
• Mac OS X

Open-Source GUI Solutions for FreeSWITCH

Take a look at various open-source GUI solutions that are available for FreeSWITCH.


If we talk about an open-source and user-friendly GUI solution for FreeSWITCH, FreePBX comes first. Customers using this are entitled to avail the benefit of using stability, features, etc. of various software that are highly expensive even without paying anything.

Scripted with Python accompanied by the Pylon framework, FreePBX is also popular as a multi-tenant system that boasts of a large number of features such as click-to-call, call center queues, text-to-speech, and lots more.

FreePBX makes perfect uses of various technologies – some of these are ajax, dojo, and various others. Besides, it is also blessed with great interfaces that are perfect to be utilized for third-party API legacy systems, cloud API, and others.

Another great thing about PBX is that it is developed with easy code that one can follow hassle-free. It comes with the ability to facilitate third-party modules integration smoothly and also customized development. This open-source GUI makes utilization of an individual profile with the use of a single IP.


FusionPBX is another option for open-source GUI for FreeSWITCH that you can opt for. Being feature-rich, it is a multi-platform GUI that brings the possibility of customization. It also makes it possible to manage FreeSWITCH as a voice SWITCH or PBX with higher scalability.

FusionPBX is developed in the way to work with numerous operating systems smoothly, be it Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, or others. It possesses the capability of using any web server that is fully compatible with PHP5 that includes IIS, Lighttpd, Apache, and others.

AT present, PBX is blessed with overall 48 additional modules that offer a complete deal of functionality. With this, one can enjoy the flexibility of configuring multiple hardware with the same. It also lets you avail of a large number of GUI for various purposes, using voicemail-to-email, call parking, unlimited extensions, or others.

It’s a modular, highly scalable, multi-platform, and an object-oriented interface that lets you get the flexibility to manage FreeSWITCH without any hustle. It is a reliable platform that enables you to manage your FreeSWITCH system with the help of a user-friendly GUI. Besides, it also doesn’t require any specific knowledge of those of underlying XML configuration structures.


With WikiPBX, you can get the liberty of using the database. It helps you in leveraging the right solution that you can easily configure SIP endpoints, extensions, gateway, etc. with the help of a web interface.

It lets you access several life-time viewed features of transferring the call, hang-up calls, etc. Besides, it also enables you to get the complete detail of the Call Detail Report (CDR) over the web interface. It also helps you in integrating or adding text—speech, audio, etc. to live calls.


It is basically a web-based .Net program that is designed with the core purpose of controlling or configuring a FreeSWITCH server. Be it setting up external/internal SIP gateways, or creation or extension development, it allows you to do everything.

It can be expanded easily by implementing module classes with perfection. It is necessary for developing a website on the basis of modules for several new routing methods, features, security, etc.


SimpleCOS is another option that you will come across the course of searching for an open-source GUI for FreeSWITCH. Whether you need to manage a single FreeSWITCH terminal or multiple systems, it is capable of doing all. It manages multiple FreeSWITCH terminals with the help of module mod_nibble_curl and xml_curl.


If you are searching for a free email sending option, you can use none other than ICFAx. It utilizes the power of FreeSWITCH, ICTCore, etc. when it comes to receiving or sending fax and email. Based on the Drupal framework, it is basically web-based Fax to Email, Web to Fax, and Email to Fax.

Final Thought

Thinking of a FreeSWITCH solution becomes crucial when you think about revamping the existing communication system of your organization. After going through the above discussion, you are now expected to have a sound understanding of FreeSWITCH GUI and also various open-source interfaces. While choosing the right interface for FreeSWITCH system, you need to consider your specific needs of business, goals, etc. and make selection accordingly.

Author Bio
Sandip Patel – BDE
Author works as BDE at Vindaloo VoIP Solutions (VSPL) since 2016. Sandip has 10+ years of work experience in VoIP Software Development Industry. VSPL is VoIP software development and solutions provider that offers FreeSWITCH, Kamailio, OpenSIP, WebRTC and Asterisk Development.


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