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Softswitch: An Important Concept in VoIP Business

A Softswitch solution is a central device in a telecommunications network, which connects telephone calls from one phone line to another by means of software running on a computer system. The Softswitch solutions are the core of any VoIP business with advanced functionalities like call routing, switching, transcoding, billing etc.

It is the most important and centrally located device in the telecommunication network. The main job of the VoIP Softswitch is to connect single or multiple calls from a destination number to another user. For a VoIP provider, there are various advantages that Softswitch can offer. In a nutshell, one can fetch more business through its advanced features like call routing and billing management.

Advantages of the VoIP Softswitch Solution:
  • User can get rid of those physical switchboards
  • Cut down the cost significantly
  • User friendly interface
  • More flexible and scalable
  • Advanced routing
  • And more
These are the top benefits of a VoIP Softswitch solution, which one can use to run a business like VoIP Phone Service, Calling card, Callback Services, etc. The VoIP calls are cheaper than traditional calls so one can take benefit of this characteristic to flourish his / her business.

The VoIP Softswitch solutions can be subdivided into different categories: Class 4 and Class 5 Softswitch

1. Class 4 Softswitch:
This type of soft switch usually deals with long distance call routing and handles a large volume of traffic between different exchanges in order to avoid expensive long-distance calls through PSTN. The most important features available in the class 4 Softswitch solution are protocol support and conversion, transcoding, calls per second rate, etc.

2. Class 5 Softswitch:
In the VoIP network, the class 5 Softswitch usually sits at the user end and deals in establishing a connection between users in smaller areas or within a specific State or Country. It has the ability to route SIP calls and provide advanced communication features which make it the perfect solution that it can offer end users.

How to choose a VoIP Softswitch Solution?

Many companies are offering Softswitch solutions in the VoIP industry today. Therefore, one should choose a Softswitch as per the requirements.

Here are some tips which will help you in the further decision:
  • Reputed & trusted company: In the long-established VoIP business, trustworthy companies are always to be preferred over a less experienced and local one. An established company gives the user the best product in terms of quality and price.
  • User-friendly: The Softswitch solutions are known for their compatibility and flexibility available for users. Hence, the user-friendly aspect is an important measure.
  • Ownership:There are 2 types of ownership in VoIP business for a Softswitch:
    First is, buying a Softswitch. It is bought completely and used by the user accordingly.
    Second is, renting the Softswitch. It means to don’t get ownership, but you can use the softswitch solution on a per month basis. This is very easy for small businessmen and VoIP business startups that do not need a huge amount of cash to buy it.
Therefore, in conclusion, Softswitches are most important for VoIP business. It not only reduces the cost but also remarkable changes to the world of traditional telecommunications. The VoIP soft switch reduces expenses, delight customers and increases business which will flourish day by day.

Author Bio
Author works in a company that offers VoIP softswitch solution. You can get class 4 softswitch, hybrid VoIP softswitch and class 5 softswitch solution.


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