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What Is the Difference between Class 4 Softswitch and Class 5 Softswitch?

The VoIP industry is enhancing a lot. Many people are interested in this industry, but they are confused about the various technical terms used as part of this industry. Class 4 Softswitch and Class 5 Softswitch are some of the commonly used terms and we will share more details about the same for your better understanding.
VoIP Softswitch is the most essential central unit in a communications network. It allows you to make a telephone connection from one line to another line through the Internet or telephone network. Typically, phone calls are routed to hardware, but Softswitch routes the call through software.
The VoIP Softswitch solutions are designed to manage calls over the Internet to manage Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) calls. The VoIP Softswitch comes with various features including monitoring, call recording, instant messaging, video calls, and audio calls and so on or it simply routes calls from source to destination.  In general, VoIP Softswitch is divided into two classes: 
·         Class 4 Softswitch and 
·         Class 5 Softswitch 
Each of them comes with its own features. Just check out the differences between the two main VoIP Softswitch solutions so decide which one is the right one for your business needs.
Class 4 Softswitch is idle for routing long distance calls at low prices and these calls can be made between carriers or regional office exchanges. The Class 4 Softswitch is typically used in the VoIP wholesale model because it efficiently routes VoIP traffic between carriers to isolate it for a long time. It carries large amounts of voice traffic through different exchanges, called local access and transport zones (LATAs), and between different exchanges. This is the reason why Class 4 Softswitch is also known as wholesale solutions.
Key Features of Class 4 Softswitch Solution:
·         Third party routing engine which is filtered
·         Payment interface with CDR
·         Call rate per second
·         Security firewall system
·         Support different protocols and protocol conversion
·         Different type of call routing strategies
·         Number of concurrent calls
The class 5 Softswitch routes call between end users or consumers in relatively small areas, such as nearby locations within cities, states, and countries. In short, Class 5 Softswitch is used for making calls within the city or region. It offers services for non-IP devices for regular phones. Class 5 Softswitch facilitates end users to dial local Class 5 Softswitch and use VoIP services.
Key Features of Class 5 Softswitch:
·         Analog-to-digital conversion
·         Interactive Voice Response (IVR)
·         Call on hold
·         Social media usability
·         Call transfer
·         Phone call authentication
·         Call routing
Both, Class 4 Softswitch and Class 5 Softswitch, route calls, but there are subtle differences between them. In class 4 Softswitch, the call is received from providers and then route between carriers whereas in class 5 Softswitch call is received from the end-user and then route between users.  Class 4 Softswitch is considered as the wholesale Softswitch and Class 5 Softswitch, on the other hand, is a retail solution for telephony in public switched telephone networks. It is typically located in the central office of the local telephone company by serving the end user directly.  
In addition to Class 4 and Class 5 Softswitch, VoIP service providers can use Hybrid VoIP Softswitch that combines the features and benefits of both, Class 4 and Class 5 Softswitch. But before using any VoIP Softswitch, it is a good idea to evaluate the nature of the VoIP business.


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