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Showing posts from June, 2022

Why Mobile SIP Dialer Development is Important for VoIP Service Providers?

Ever since the introduction of the 4th Generation Internet, the data handling capabilities of modern devices have led to the adoption of VoIP technology. Compared to traditional calling methods, VoIP technology has three significant benefits. 1) Cost-effective 2) Audio and video transmission 3) Better call quality The shift towards a hybrid and remote work culture has contributed to the faster growth of the VoIP industry in terms of usage, market share, and revenues. Furthermore, with the advancements in technology, Mobile SIP dialer is significantly impacting how global business uses VoIP technology. Let’s learn more about Mobile SIP dialers and why VoIP providers should consider offering Mobile SIP dialer development for their users. What is a Mobile SIP dialer? In VoIP, you need a capable device, a PBX server, and a reliable internet connection to make and receive calls. The device is usually a specialized hardware device such as an IP phone; however, a software-based dialer can be

Importance of Video Conferencing Solutions for Modern Businesses

  The world of communication has been ever-evolving and has been the foundation of many groundbreaking innovations such as the morse code, television, intercontinental travel, etc. With every decade, the need for a better form of communication led to the invention of the telephone, email, fax, and, currently, video conferencing. Furthermore, with the mass adoption of handheld devices and an overall increase in internet bandwidth, the possibility for remote working opened, and businesses started exploring the possibilities of video conferencing solutions. You’ve come to the right place if you want to transition to virtual meetings but are still unfamiliar with the advantages. This article will discuss the benefits of video conferencing that can effectively bring your teams together and improve organizational communication in real-time. How Beneficial is Video Conferencing Solution for Businesses? While on video transmission, video conferencing allows two or more individuals to join an o

Introduction to MEAN Stack: What is MEAN Stack and Other Questions

Technologies are constantly evolving. Earlier restricted to desktops, modern-day applications can be run directly from the cloud, and people are no longer restricted to using a single device for daily activities. Hence businesses are also investing in developing their own web-based applications for multiple devices. To create functional and practical web applications, different software development companies opt for technology stacks based on different Javascript flavors. One of the most popular and preferred technology stacks is the MEAN stack, and this article will serve as an introduction to the MEAN Stack. What is a MEAN Stack? The MEAN stack is a JavaScript-based framework for developing web applications. The term MEAN is an acronym for the different components in the stack, namely:  M ongoDB,  E xpress,  A ngular, and  N ode. MongoDB  – Database Management Express js  – Web framework for Node.js Angular js  – Client-side JavaScript framework Node js  – Server-side JavaScript web